From Webster's online Dictionary. = )
Definition: Bijou |
BijouAdjective1. Small and elegant; "bijou villas"; "can Americans be persuaded to pay out dollars for bijou cars?". Noun1. A small and delicately worked piece. Source: WordNet 1.7.1 Copyright © 2001 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. |
Date "bijou" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1844. (references) |
Etymology: Bijou \Bi*jou"\, noun; plural Bijoux. [French expression; of uncertain origin.]. (references) |
Synonyms within Context: Bijou
Context | Synonyms within Context (source: adapted from Roget's Thesaurus). |
Beauty | Pea butterfly; garden; flower of, pink of; bijou; jewel; (ornament); work of art. |
Inexpedience | Tidbit; gem, gem of the first water; bijou, precious stone, jewel, pearl, diamond, ruby, brilliant, treasure; good thing; rara avis, one in a thousand. |
Jewelry | Noun: jewel, jewelry, jewellery; bijoutry; bijou, bijouterie; trinket;fine jewelry; costume jewelry, junk jewelry; gem, gemstone, precious stone. |
Source: adapted from Roget's Thesaurus. |
Crosswords: Bijou |
English words defined with "bijou": Bijoux. (references) |
Etymologies containing "bijou": Bijoutry. (references) |
Non-English Usage: "Bijou" is also a word in the following language with English translations in parentheses. French (bijou, brooch, jewel). |
Modern Usage: Bijou
Domain | Usage | |
Movie/TV Titles | Bijou (1972) Le Bijou (1946) | |
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits. |
Commercial Usage: BijouDomain Title References
Live at the Bijou [LIVE] (reference)
(more classical music examples; more popular music examples)
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits.
Domain | Title |
References | |
Books | |
Music |
Source: compiled by the editor from various references; see credits. |
Image Slideshow: Bijou
Photo Album: Bijou
Thumbnail | Description & Credit | ||
Bijou. Credit: Library of Congress. | |||
Source: pictures compiled by the editor from various references; see picture credits. |
Usage Frequency: Bijou
"Bijou" is generally used as a noun (singular) -- approximately 91.30% of the time. "Bijou" is used about 23 times out of a sample of 100 million words spoken or written in English. Its rank is based on over 700,000 words used in the English language. Some parts-of-speech are not covered due to the samples used by the British National Corpus. (note: percents less than one-hundredth of one percent have been omitted) |
Parts of Speech | Percent | Usage per 100 Million Words | Rank in English |
Noun (singular) | 91.3% | 21 | 76,261 |
Noun (proper) | 8.7% | 2 | 245,945 |
Total | 100.00% | 23 | N/A |
Source: compiled by the editor from several corpora; see credits.
This is a cool idea. I actually did look up bijou because I wasn't sure what it meant. I know I'm not the only one! Useful info for everyone.